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Lions Club Spearheads EffortTo Replace ETH Theatre Seats



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Lions Club Spearheads Effort

To Replace ETH Theatre Seats

The Tercentennial Committee, working hard to bring many activities to Newtown in 2005, has also been urging each major club to adopt a Tercentennial project. Responding to this call, the Newtown Lions Club has taken on the project of replacing the 411 seats on the main level of the Edmond Town Hall Theatre, as well as refurbishing the seats in the balcony.

As Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers received a decrease in its budget from the town last year, there is no money available for seat replacement. Therefore the Lions have said they would spearhead a townwide movement to replace the seats.

A major way to raise this money is to sell new seats. Recognition of contributors through permanent nameplates for seats purchased is the thrust of the campaign. Each seat will recognize a donor with a brass marker. Donors may include businesses, individuals, or groups. As the estimated cost for each new set is $300, that is the price that will be asked of those donating.

Examples of the proposed new seats are on display in the lobby of town hall; however, as purchase of town hall seats will have to go out to bid, these seats are not necessarily the ones that will be chosen. The Lions Club already has raised more than $4,900 for the project.

 “We feel that for anyone who loves Newtown or enjoys going to the movies in the town hall this is a natural project and we are confident that many people and groups will step forward and help with the project,” said Gordon Williams, Lions Club chair of the project.

Anyone interested in purchasing a dedicated chair, in helping with the project, or having further fund raising ideas should call Mr Williams at 426-6443.

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