Blumenthal And Schiesel To SpeakIn Newtown
Blumenthal And Schiesel To Speak
In Newtown
The Newtown Democratic Town Committee will welcome Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal to its monthly meeting at 8 pm on Thursday, December 9, in the Alexandria Room of Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street.
Also appearing will be Kent First Selectman Dolores Schiesel, a key figure in the struggle against the Schaghticoke tribal nation petitioner group and its intended expansion of casino gambling into western Connecticut.
The longest serving attorney general in Connecticut history, Mr Blumenthal has been a staunch consumer and community advocate, enjoys some of the widest recognition and highest approval ratings of any Connecticut official, and is considered a top choice for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in 2006.
The meeting is open to the public.