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Social Service Screening, Alzheimer's Support Offered



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Social Service Screening,

Alzheimer’s Support Offered

SOUTHBURY — Free social service screenings for food stamps and other programs to help any Connecticut resident facing difficult times will take place on Thursday, December 8, from 10 am to 3 pm, at the Jewish Federation, 444 Main Street North.

The Federation’s Brownstein Jewish Family Service has teamed up with the Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS) to continue offering these free monthly social service screenings, by appointment, for a dozen work support/basic needs programs, including SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly food stamps), energy assistance, HUSKY, Medicaid, and Charter Oak insurance.

The screenings have helped many Connecticut residents who are falling through the cracks and having a tough time making ends meet. People who are struggling to put food on the table, families where one or both parents recently lost their jobs and health insurance, and seniors in their 80s have all been assisted.

The public is welcome to call to learn about income guidelines for SNAP and other programs for which they may be eligible. For example, the gross monthly income for SNAP eligibility for a single person is $1,680 and $2,268 for a family of two.

Quilified participants can maintain a bank account, own a home or a car and its value is not counted as an asset. During the past year, dozens of local residents have been found eligible for food stamps during the screening.

Reservations are required for the one-hour screening, which is given by Nera Clemente of the Connecticut Association for Human Services.

Also on December 8, an open and on-going monthly support group for friends and family of people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias continues to be offered by Brownstein Jewish Family Service.  The next meeting takes place that dayat 10:30 am at the Federation.

There is no charge for this group, whose purpose is to provide emotional, educational, and social support for caregivers through regularly scheduled meetings. Heather Hitchcock, Northwestern regional director of the Alzheimer’s Association, will facilitate the group.

To register for either program call Debby Horowitz, Brownstein Jewish family service director, at 203-267-3177, extension 310. All calls are confidential.

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