Media Bias Signposts
To the Editor:
Nearly half (46%) of all Americans think the media is very biased. Source: Gallop/Knight poll.
Everyone is biased — and that’s okay. There’s no such thing as unbiased news. But hidden media bias misleads, manipulates, and divides us. So, everyone should learn how to spot media bias. Source:
Some things to look for when trying to decide if the news you’re reading is biased:
*Placement of the article in your newspaper: front page or buried in the back pages
*The amount of coverage on one subject or elected official
*Coverage of a subject from one perspective only, a false balance between sides of an issue
*Omission of news or issues
*Use of photos
*Date of coverage, too early or too late
*Selection of quotes
*Sources interviewed
*News releases treated as news
*Loaded Language or buzz words
(Source: multiple articles on bias)
Keep your eyes and minds open, question all you read, see, or hear and filter the news accordingly. Don’t forget you are also biased in interpreting the news.
Bruce Walczak
Editor’s note:, states it is “...a media solutions company that strengthens our democratic society with balanced news, media bias ratings, diverse perspectives, and real conversation.”
I tend to ascribe anything I see/hear from any media source as misinformation until I can verify it with my own research. The truth is out there but you have to dig for it.