Memorials For The Tree Lighting
Memorials For The Tree Lighting
The Newtown Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a fundraising drive for the 22nd Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and luminaria display that will be held at the Ram Pasture at 6:30 pm on Friday, December 1.
Donors may also contribute $10 for a bulb or luminaria to honor someone special. While the tree lighting will be celebrated on December 1, donations will be accepted until the end of December.
The following contributions have been made:
In Memory Of:                                               Donor                    Christmas Tree Bulb  Luminaria
Marie Fredrickson                                  Ken Fredrickson                               1                                Â
Carl Karlson & Family                Carole Lee Karlson-Berlin                      1                                                     Â
Fred Lajoie                                        Harriet Lojoie Comboni                         1                                Â
Mrs Pearson & Mrs Aylward               Camryn Findley                                1                                     Â
Mrs Leja & Mrs Costello                      Madison Findley                               1                                Â
Mrs Rostelli & Mrs Bodwell                 Sawyer Findley                                1                                Â
James Wichman                                      Findley Family                                1                                Â
Our Family & Friends                   Bernard & Sarah Findley                       1                                Â
Sophie Zajac (Mom)                                 Susan Isolano                                 1                                Â
Everett Petersen                           Michael & Marcia Sandner                                                         1  Â
Emma & Raymond Sandner      Michael & Marcia Sandner                      1                                Â
Virginia Paternoster                  Tom & Charlene Paternoster                    1                                Â
Our Parents                                     Bruce & Christine Degen                        5                                5
Eva                                                    Mr & Mrs Colin Mazzola                                                           1    Â
Michelle Vanasse                                   Michael Vanasse                               5                                Â
Denis Vanasse                                       Michael Vanasse                               5
Stephen Mazuroski                                    Mom & Dad                                   2                                1
Jean Piccioli                                       The Deangelis Family                          1                                Â
Muriel Pederson                                 The Harmata Family                           1                                Â
Elden Fisher                                       The Harmata Family                           1                                Â
Robert Birch                                        The Harmata Family                           1                                Â
Thomas Demarco                                The Fletcher Family                            3                                Â
Frank E. Johnson                         Barbara Johnson & Family                     1                                Â
James W. Crick                                      The Crick Family                              1                                Â
Joan Glover Crick               Cramer Owen & Maureen Crick Owen            1                                Â
James Crick Jr                                  Maureen Crick Owen                           1
Thomas Lyddy                           Mr & Mrs Steven A Karng                           1
Mayo Karng                               Mr & Mrs Steven A Karng                            1
Rita Anderson                                Mr & Mrs Steven A Karng                       1
E.B.                                                            Dr Della Schmid                               1
The Tree Lighting                    Merced, Bruce & Vanessa Miller                 1                                1
Ellen C. Lapak                                      Frank J. Lapak                                1                                1
The Tree Lighting                                Elaine M. Landau                             1                                Â
Robert Fletcher                                   The Leblanc Family                           10