Evan Joseph Kliczewski
Evan Joseph Kliczewski
Susan (Roberto) and Kenneth Kliczewski of Newtown announce the birth of a son, Evan Joseph Kliczewski, born October 27, at Danbury Hospital.
Evan joins a brother, Adam, 5 years old, and a sister, Nora, 3 years old.
Maternal grandparents are Leonard and Nilla Roberto of Monroe.
Sheila Kliczewski and the late Eugene Kliczewski of Monroe are the paternal grandparents.
Jacob Reese Rockafellow
A son, Jacob Reese Rockafellow, was born November 14, at 10:27 am, in Danbury Hospital to Melissa and Scott Rockafellow of Waterbury, both formerly of Newtown.
Jacob weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces at birth and was 20½ inches in length.
Maternal grandparents are John Grossman of Newtown and Gail Grossman of Bridgeport.
Grace Ann Rockafellow and the late Richard M. Rockafellow of Newtown are the paternal grandparents.
Maternal great-grandparents, welcoming their first great-grandchild, are Dr Robert and Annamae Grossman of Newtown; and the late Barbara and William Carboy of Newtown.
Maternal great-great grandparents are Sue S. Bush of Holmes, N.Y., William and Irene Carboy of Yonkers, N.Y., and Bella S. Grossman, 102, of Coconut Creek, Fla., for whom Jacob is the first great-great-grandchild.
Ava Leigh Almeter
Heather and Jason Almeter of Newtown announce the birth of a daughter, Ava Leigh, born October 26 at Danbury Hospital.
 Ava weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces and was 19¾ inches long.
She joins a sister, Arline, 7, and brothers, Aidan, 6, and Alec, 3.
Maternal grandparents are Dennis Stevens and Leigh Finley of Norwalk.
Paternal grandparents are Holly and Leonard Almeter of Arcade, N.Y.
Great-grandmothers are Gene Clarrissimeaux of Dallas, Texas, and Lela Peterson of Scranton, Iowa.