La Leche League Meeting
La Leche League Meeting
SOUTHBURY â The Southbury La Leche League will meet on Tuesday, December 7 at the Southford Medical Center in Southbury at 10 AM. This monthâs topic is Nutrition, Weaning, and Loving Guidance. The meeting will be followed by a potluck luncheon of nutritious foods.
 La Leche League is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting good mothering through breastfeeding. Any woman who is interested in breastfeeding her baby will find support, encouragement and information available to her. Babies are always welcome.
Participants will have the opportunity to borrow books from the groupâs lending library as well as reprints covering a wide range of topics. Pregnant mothers will find information and friendship. Refreshments will be served, and those attending are asked to bring their favorite nutritious food to share.
For more information and directions, call Maureen at 598-3361, Cathy at 264-6044, Nicole at 270-9228, or Trish at 262-1154.