A Timely Warning
A Timely Warning
To the Editor:
Iâd like to send a special thank you to one of Newtownâs police officers. I donât even know his name, but his badge number is 058. Itâs an unusual thank you.
He stopped my daughter-in-law several weeks ago, and gave her a ticket for failing to wear a seat belt. Thank God she learned her lesson. The past Friday, as she was driving to work, she was involved in a car accident. Because of officer 058, she was wearing her seat belt.
Our family will give thanks this holiday for this officer. Seat belts save families!
Beverly Ligouri
82 Huntingtown Road, Newtown                                                                   November 25, 2003
(Editorâs note: Badge #058 belongs to Newtown Patrol Officer Bill Hull.)