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Cultural Events

SHVFR Planning Tree Sales, Santa Sleigh Rides



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Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue (SHVFR) will present its annual Christmas Trees (& More) Sale this holiday season.

Fresh-cut trees will be delivered to the firehouse at 18-20 Riverside Road early Friday, November 24, and sales will begin at noon.

The trees come from a tree farm in northern Vermont and range from 6 feet tall to cathedral height.

The sale also offers cemetery/Christmas boxes, wreaths, pine roping, kissing balls, and tree stands.

Sales will continue weekends through December 24 or while supplies last.

Hours are 12-9 pm November 24. They will continue Saturdays, 9 am-9 pm; Sundays, 9 am-6 pm; Thursdays, 6-9 pm; Friday, December 1, 6-9 pm; and Fridays, December 8, 15 and 22, 3-9 pm.

Proceeds benefit the fire company.

Santa Sleigh Rides

Firefighters from Tolland will be returning to Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue’s main station on Saturday, December 9.

Santa and his sleigh — an antique open sleigh atop a flatbed trailer towed by a Tolland Fire truck— will be back that day, offering rides from 12:30 until at least dusk. Santa always stays until everyone in line enjoys a ride.

The rides are free; donations are accepted and also benefit the fire company.

Light refreshments will be served. The company’s Ladies Auxiliary will also be raffling decorated wreaths.

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