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'Choice' Delivered As Tyranny



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‘Choice’ Delivered As Tyranny

To the Editor:

As someone who is neither liberal nor conservative — that is, as one who sees the disasters from both big business and big government — but has been accused of being both (I was once attacked in a letter in The Bee as a “socialist”), I have many reasons to be concerned about the “health care reform” moving its way through Congress, despite believing deeply that we need reform.

But there is no point in spreading Internet rumors. A November 20 letter repeated the hoax that the Stupak amendment “would make insurance coverage for abortion virtually unavailable for millions of women in the new health insurance exchange even if they’re using their own money.” People might want to check the Pulitzer Prize-winning, nonpartisan website PolitiFact.com. PolitiFact found that statement of Representative Nita Lowey’s in the House not even partly false, but just false.

I also take issue with the letter’s statement that abortion is “a private decision between a woman and her doctor.” That may have been the case before Roe v Wade (yes, therapeutic abortions were legal then), but there isn’t a shred of truth left in that statement.

*when organizations I long supported, like Amnesty International (founded by a Catholic layman to help religious and political prisoners of conscience), get hijacked so that their entire platforms are distorted,

*when court cases have to be brought to protect jobs of medical personnel who take seriously the original Hippocratic Oath (prohibiting abortion),

*when a massive amount of American pro-abortion money is poured into developing countries in a new form of colonialism — abortion/eugenic imperialism — strongly promoted by our Secretary of State,

*when more money and arm-twisting are used in attempts to commandeer United Nations treaties and insert abortion language into them,

*when people’s ethical compasses are so off-kilter that they mistake legality for morality (Martin Luther King said that unjust laws were no laws at all) and mistake elective abortions for “health care,”

*when people compromise education by spreading fabrications about the thousands of women who supposedly died every year from “back-alley abortions” (the co-founder of what is now NARAL admitted that they simply made up those figures),

*when more members of minority groups were killed since 1973 at abortion centers, disproportionately sited in their neighborhoods, than were killed by AIDS, violent crime, accidents, cancer, and heart disease combined (see the CDC),

*when the abortion industry is found illegally hiding identities of child rapists,

*when we are already complicit, and will be again, in this crime against humanity – elective abortion, that is, killing the innocent – by deceptive, shell-game accounting (tax dollars go to abortion organizations ostensibly for “health care,” but actually freeing money for pushing abortion),

Then abortion is no longer a “private decision” but has educational, social, political, ethical, racial, legal, and financial ramifications, national and international, that affect entire populations, not simply a “woman and her doctor.”

As I always say, what is sold as “choice” is delivered as tyranny.

Mary Taylor

31 Jeremiah Road, Sandy Hook                         November 22, 2009

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