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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

NMS Eco Cleaners Group Challenging The Community



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A group of eighth grade students have been picking up garbage, and are challenging other students and community members to join them.

The group, which calls itself The Eco Cleaners, is comprised of Claire Dubois, Elizabeth Salley, Alexia Tavar, Alisa Redzepi, and Brianna Lovely.

Each school year eighth graders are challenged to complete a science project. The girls chose to complete a Lexus Eco Challenge for their project. For the Lexus Eco Challenge, teams are required to define an environmental issue that is important to them, develop an action plan to address the issue, implement the plan, and report on the results.

“We wanted to make our community cleaner,” said Claire, who also noted a few places were the group has worked to pick up garbage along the side of the road.

To help promote challenging others to do the same, the girls said they created posters that are now decorating the middle school.

“We wanted to let other people know about it,” said Brianna.

While group members said they are primarily challenging other students, they said their challenge is also for the whole community.

Alexia said the group is working to create a website.

So far the group said they have cleaned two local areas, and have plans to clean another.

From the first two cleanup efforts, Claire said the girls collected 32 pounds of recyclables and 12 pounds of garbage.

Once they are complete with the project, Claire said the girls plan to continue their efforts.

“We just want to continue the work,” said Claire. “It’s been a lot of fun.”

Members of the eighth grade group The Eco Cleaners from left are Claire Dubois, Alisa Redzepi, Brianna Lovely, Elizabeth Salley, and Alexia Tavar. The girls stood together on October 10, during one of their outings to clean litter.
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