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Holiday Planning Begins At NCC



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Holiday Planning Begins At NCC

Holiday planning has begun at the Newtown Congregational Church with a variety of projects, services, and an Advent study scheduled.

Circle of Faith, one of the five Circles of the Women’s Fellowship of the Newtown Congregational Church, will hold a Bakeless Bake Sale on Sunday morning during the worship service. Small aprons will be distributed before the worship service and collected after the worship service.

Members are asked to stuff the aprons with the amount they would have spent on a regular bake sale. In recent years this project has replaced the pie sales that were always held before the holidays. Proceeds this year will be used for the new kitchen in the new Sunday School building.

November 30 will be the “Greening of the Church” when the Christmas decorations adorn the sanctuary and various of the holiday traditions are part of the service.

The Women’s Fellowship invites all women of the church to come relax, say “hello,” and enjoy the Christmas Tea at the Booth Library Meeting Room from noon until 2 pm. There are always beautifully prepared tasty desserts, sandwiches, and beverages.

While enjoying the tea, guests can view the handmade quilt hanging in the library. Raffle tickets are on sale for the drawing that will be held on December 14.

Sunday School is adopting a family so that they can provide a Thanksgiving basket and are collecting new stuffed animals for the Care Bears project. Donations can be brought to the November 30 service.

November 23 and 30 and December 7 will all be all-church worship services with no Sunday school. Senior pastor, the Rev Steven Gordon, will be returning from his sabbatical on December 7, December 14, and 21 and there will be Sunday school at the Church House at 41-A Main Street from 9:45 until 11:15 am.

Poinsettias and wreath sales are in progress. Wreaths will be available for pickup November 30 and orders for the flowers need to be made now.

Christmas Eve services are scheduled for 5 pm; Sunday School’s Christmas Eve Pageant, 7:30; and 11 pm, candlelight services.

The Rev Janice Touloukian, associate pastor, will be leading an Advent study after worship on December 7, 14, and 21. She will be using the book Living With Hope by John Polkinghorne.

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