Published: Nov 21, 2003 12:00 am
For police reports
Main Street Deer
Motorist Kathleen Menz, 56, of 34 Plumtrees Road was driving a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire northward on Main Street about 7:18 am November 10, when she encountered and collided with a deer in the road, police report. The impact damaged the autoâs roof and windshield. Menz was not injured, police said.
Hundred Acres
Motorist Muriel Wielebinski, 41, of 41 Hundred Acres Road was driving a 2001 Honda station wagon westward on Hundred Acres Road about 10:30 pm November 5, when she collided with a deer near 6 Hundred Acres Road, police said. Wielebinski was not injured, police said.