The Top of the Mountain
There are always plenty of opportunities to be part of the generous spirit of Newtown, and that holds even more truth as the holidays draw nearer.
All-Star Transportation will be hosting a Stuff-A-Bus event this weekend. Drivers for the local bus company will be outside Stop & Shop in Sand Hill Plaza, at 228 South Main Street, on Saturday, November 21, from 9 am until 3 pm. Donations received during that time will be driven to Newtown Social Services to replenish its food pantry. (I guess that’s why they call it a “drive.”) And as always, FAITH Food Pantry, in the basement of St John’s Episcopal Church on Washington Avenue, is appreciative of any donations of food and toiletries for the hundreds of Newtown residents that count on stocked shelves there.
Here’s a drive to make your toes tingle. Boy Scout Eddie Godino, a member of Newtown Troop 770, going for the rank of Eagle Scout, will be conducting a sock drive this weekend. Eddie is reaching out to the public with a request for socks to be donated to Catholic Charities. He will be at Holy Cow Ice Cream Shop, 49 Church Hill Road, on Sunday, November 22, from 1 to 4 pm. For additional information send an e-mail to or call 203-270-3735.
It’s not a drive, but also on Sunday, Trinity Episcopal Church will be hosting a letter writing campaign. The public is invited to join members of the church to urge members of Congress, as they renew federal food and nutrition programs, to protect children and families from harmful cuts and policy changes. The letters will also encourage better access for children to such programs. The letter writing will begin on Sunday, following Trinity’s 11:15 am service. Organizers will have sample letters available for those unsure of what they want to write, as well as suggestions for those who want to write original letters.
A few hours later, this year’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Service is scheduled at Newtown United Methodist Church. All are invited for this special event sponsored by Newtown Interfaith Clergy Association. The service will begin at 7 pm. The Thanksgiving service has traditionally included brief readings by members of the participating houses of worship, and is suitable for all ages. Monetary donations and nonperishable goods received during the service will be given to FAITH Food Pantry. NUMC is located at 92 Church Hill Road. For additional information call 203-426-9998.
Cats and cucumbers, and cats and the G20 Summit in Geneva managed to catch people’s attention this week. What’s that? No one has shared the “Cats Scared of Cucumbers” videos with you? Personally, I think they just capture a bunch of scaredy cats; I ain’t afraid of no cucumbers. Now, the cats that made it past security to browse the main stage of the G20 Summit meeting, this past Sunday, where President Obama, President Putin, and a few other notables gathered, were purr-fectly harmless and quite adorable. These stray kitties meandered from back stage, checked out the bank of flowers, and apparently unimpressed, moved along off stage, according to an NPR report. (Can I say that these cats were as cool as cucumbers about it?)
Put on your running shoes, wash the sleep from your eyes, and don’t bother to brush your hair. The 6th Annual Newtown Turkey Trot 5K Road Race and Fun Walk to support the C.H. Booth Library takes place Thanksgiving Morning, Thursday, November 26, beginning at 7:45 am. There is still time to register, and if you are not a runner, the organizers have a place at the back of the pack for you, anyway. Walkers are welcome — but please leave your dogs at home. The race starts at Hawley Elementary School, 26 Church Hill Road, and finishes at Newtown Middle School, 11 Queen Street. The registration fee of $27 per runner, $20 per walker goes to support the library and the wonderful programs it offers to the community. Race day registration jumps to $30 for runners and $25 for walkers, but that’s no excuse for not pre-burning that Thanksgiving dinner. Runners and walkers may pick up their race packets at the CH Booth Library, 25 Main Street, on Tuesday, November 24, from 4 to 8pm, or on Wednesday, November 25, from noon to 4 pm. Pickup is also available in the registration area on the morning of the race. Find all of the details and registration info at
Cats manage to make it clear that they are above the human species, but dogs tend to be not so discerning. So when the holidays roll around, Spot is apt to be hanging around hoping for the goods to drop to the floor — or to come across a guest with a tender heart. I bear no ill will toward canines, so I must share with you that there are certain foods that should never be given to dogs, no matter how much they beg. On that list are onions, sage, turkey bones, raw or undercooked turkey, alcohol, raw bread dough, garlic, nuts, nutmeg, raisins, grapes, and chocolate. An emergency trip to the veterinarian is not on anyone’s wish list, I’m sure.
Thanksgiving is on everyone’s mind now, but remember Halloween and how much fun it was collecting all that candy? The Smile Spot Children’s Dentistry in Southbury tells me they collected more than 900 pounds of candy during its annual Candy Buyback event, the beginning of this month. Dr Kest paid $1 per pound of candy, which will be shipped to Operation Gratitude, providing care packages to troops overseas.
It won’t be long before that first weekend in December is upon us, with so many holiday activities to keep Newtowners busy, busy, busy. You can count on Rotary Club members to be just where you would expect them to be, Saturday, December 5 — the kitchen of the Alexandria Room of Edmond Town Hall. This will be the 55th Annual Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the group that supports so many charitable organizations and worldwide efforts, like Gift of Life. Keep your eyes peeled for details on the breakfast, the Greens Sale, the Holiday Festival, and more in upcoming issues of The Bee; and don’t forget to check our online Calendar, at
Kris Kling of CrossFit RedZone at 3 Simms Lane has let us know that in appreciation of all our first responders do, RedZone will offer free CrossFit classes, all of December, to Newtown first responders — police, firefighters, EMTs. “We appreciate everything they do here in the town and also what they have done for us in the past,” says Kris, one of the RedZone owners and trainers. “For their services we want to help keep them healthy by getting them here in the gym,” he says. First responders who are interested can visit to find out more about the gym, or call 203-383-9793 to sign up.
By the way, the Newtown Choral Society Winter Concert, originally scheduled for Sunday, December 13, has been postponed. The concert will take place Sunday, January 17, at 3:30 pm, in the Meeting House. What a nice thing to have on the calendar when winter is settling in around us.
As Superintendent of Schools Joseph V. Erardi, Jr, announced at the Tuesday Board of Education meeting, he has plans to “spread his wings” on Twitter. He said he plans to tweet about weather delays, school closings, and other school weather information. His account, @erardij, went live on October 22, with a “Hello Newtown” tweet. (Don’t forget, @TheNewtownBee also regularly tweets an array of our local news stories and updates.)
I’m always a-twitter with news. Be sure next week to… Read me again.