RCN To Launch New Year With Mind-Body Skills Group
The Resiliency Center of Newtown (RCN) will be offering a mind-body skills group starting on Friday, January 10.
The group will meet Fridays at RCN, 153 South Main Street (The SCB Building; entry is through the lower rear level).
In Mind-Body Skills group, participants practice wellness skills such as meditation, guided imagery, breath work, movement, and drawing in a supportive environment. The group will meet from 10 am until noon Fridays, January 10-31, February 7, 14 and 28 (no session February 21), and March 6.
The facilitator will be Lisa Donohue-Olivieri, LPC, LADC, ATR-BC.
There is a one time, non-refundable $75 fee. Call 203-364-9750 or e-mail lisa@resiliencycenterofnewtown.org by January 3 for additional information or to register.