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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Wanted: Leadership On Energy



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Wanted: Leadership On Energy

To the Editor:

Why is gasoline over three dollars a gallon? Why is fuel oil over three dollars a gallon? Why are we not pumping out natural gas from western New York State instead of importing it from other countries? Why is our president “selling” nuclear power (along with the CEO of General Electric) to India and we do not have any plants under construction here in the US of A; or the ones we have, we are tearing down?

Where is our leadership? Why are we taking it in the nose?

Where is Chris Murphy, where is Joe Lieberman, where are our state people? Why do we continue to take it in the wallet and nothing ever gets done.

I want to see leadership from the state and federal government on energy, and I’m not talking about light bulbs. Come on, is this what hope and change is — light bulbs?

John Karlson

167 Great Quarter Road, Sandy Hook                November 15, 2010

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