Various Commissions Seeking Volunteers
Various Commissions Seeking Volunteers
The first selectmanâs office announced that Newtownâs Commission on Aging is still looking for two alternate members.
The Commission on Aging was established by Ordinance with powers of Commissions on Aging set forth in the Connecticut General Statutes including:
1. Study the needs of elderly and aging persons in Newtown.
2. Coordinate programs for the elderly and aging in Newtown.
3. Make applications for grants to state and federal governmental agencies.
4. Prepare written opinions on the merits of programs for which grants are proposed.
5. Act as agent for other federal, state or town boards, commissions or agencies or local private groups to carry out programs for the elderly and aging in Newtown as from time to time are specifically authorized by such boards, commissions and agencies and groups.
In addition, volunteers are needed to serve on the Hattertown Historic District, one alternate and one full member are sought.
The local Sustainable Energy Commission also has two openings, and the Buildings Appeals Board currently has three openings.
Anyone who is interested in being considered, or who has questions about the scope of responsibilities for any of the volunteer positions listed is asked to call 203-270-4201.