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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Student Contest Christens Freedom Defenders Way



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Student Contest Christens Freedom Defenders Way

Sun reflected off the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 308’s new street sign, Freedom Defenders Way, as eager hands tugged its cover to the ground. Glancing up and shielding their eyes were veterans, town officials, and three eighth grade girls who had gained veterans’ attention with essays explaining their proposed street name — now the new official street name.

Smiling and shy were Gabi Perpignand, third place, Chelsea Buddle, second place, and first place winner Alexandra Dittrich. Minutes earlier as the post’s Veterans Day ceremonies concluded on Thursday, November 11, Sergeant Carl Bergquist had introduced the girls to veterans and supporters gathered that morning.

The sign indicates the official new street name outside the VFW.

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