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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Soccer Clinic At NYA



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Soccer Clinic At NYA

Candace Chapman, who brings soccer playing experience from the Canadian National Team, and played in the World Cup in 2003 and ’07, as well as in the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, will hold the Candace Chapman Soccer Clinic at Newtown Youth Academy on Saturday, November 20.

Clinic sessions will be held for various ages as follows: Ages 9-11 from 9-10:45 am; ages 12-13 from 11 am to 12:45 pm; and ages 14-16 from 1-2:45 pm.

Cost is $45 per player. Register at www.nyasportsfitness.com or call 203-426-0088.

For information on Chapman, visit www.can dacechapman.ca.

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