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Newtown, CT, USA

NMS Student Volunteers Bake For WIN



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NMS Student Volunteers Bake For WIN

Over the course of three days, roughly 65 Newtown Middle School family and consumer science students volunteered after school to bake 70 pumpkin bread cakes to be donated to Women Involved in Newtown (WIN) for the group’s Thanksgiving baskets this year.

Family and consumer science teacher Rose Ann Beck said the students volunteered to help. Ms Beck said volunteering with WIN works with the school district’s character education goal.

“In addition to citizenship and caring,” she said, “they are learning basic sanitation and cooking skills.”

Family and consumer science is one of the school’s rotation courses, and, Ms Beck said, it focuses 21st Century skills by providing hands-on experiences in healthy eating and food preparation.

Students worked for the second day on Tuesday, November 16, to bake, wrap, and sort the individual pumpkin breads.

Eighth grader Cara Milhaven said she volunteered “because it would be fun to bake cakes, and it is for a good cause.”

NMS art teachers Claudia Mitchell and Arlene Spoonfeather along with Peggy McIntyre, an education assistant at the school, helped to wrap the pumpkin bread on Tuesday. Both seventh and eighth grade students were able to volunteer for the effort.

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