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Lakeview Terrace Goes Private



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Lakeview Terrace Goes Private

To the Editor:

Once there was a television show where the actor dressed in Nazi military garb and spoke the line “verrrrrrrry interesting.” Well the town’s latest attempted maneuver has left me feeling a sense of déjà vu, except this time it is not a comedy.

This past Saturday, I received a very crudely copied form letter in the mail (ink cartridges must be in short supply within the town offices) stating the road I have lived on for 30-plus years is a private road and its further repairs and maintenance would be billed directly to the residents. Now, this is news to me. It is the first time in 131,404 days that I have heard it referred to as such. There is no mention in the warranty deed and no mention or documentation in any survey or subdivision map. Along with this letter came an “invitation” to hear the plans for improvement to be held 29 hours prior to Thanksgiving Day, no doubt in hopes of conveniently limiting the number of attendees.

Yes, I have now canceled my holiday traveling and visitation plans and most certainly shall attend along with thoughts of a class action lawsuit against the town in hand instead of the anticipated turkey leg.

The road is as wide as most in the town, even in the uppity borough, complete with a white line down its paved center, storm drains. Yes, the town paves and patches it, but not to the “well planned standards” of the banner job done on Jeremiah Road during a two-month adventure this summer. That sure was quality work! The road is plowed, has speed control signage, radar traps with the mighty blue police cars with enough blinking lights to seriously impair the driving of anyone short of the totally blind, has school bus traffic, and frequently, those blinking digital speed sensors hung on the utility poles.

Don’t you dare attempt to now call the road private in hopes of taxing residents further... ain’t gonna happen.

Sam Mihailoff

54 Lakeview Terrace, Sandy Hook                       November 15, 2010

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