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Caffeinated Alcoholic Drink Curbed In Connecticut



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Caffeinated Alcoholic Drink Curbed In Connecticut

HARTFORD (AP) — Connecticut liquor wholesalers have agreed to voluntarily suspend their shipment and deliveries of a caffeinated alcoholic drink that has been banned in four states.

Governor M. Jodi Rell and Consumer Protection Commissioner Jerry Farrell said on November 15 that they have secured the deal to curb the distribution of Four Loko and two similar beverages, Four Maxed and Joose.

Washington, Michigan, Utah, and Oklahoma have banned the drinks. College students have been hospitalized after drinking the beverages, including in New Jersey, where one school banned them on campus. The federal Food and Drug Administration is reviewing the products’ safety.

Four Loko is made by Chicago-based Phusion Projects. The firm says it is disappointed by developments in Connecticut and that it was not consulted over the agreement.

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