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Classes At The Birth Center



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Classes At The Birth Center

DANBURY — Late fall classes are scheduled to begin at the Connecticut Childbirth & Women’s Center, 94 Locust Avenue. They are open to the public. Reservations and prepayment, when applicable, are required and may be arranged by calling the center at 203/748-6000.

Bradley Childbirth is a natural childbirth class for couples. It teaches a method that encourages relaxation and tuning into the woman’s own body to work with labor. Special emphasis is placed on nutrition and exercises. The next eight-week series begins on Monday, December 13, and continues weekly through January 31. The fee for the class and all materials is $160.

Lamaze Childbirth encourages the utilization of focal points, relaxation and breathing techniques for labor and birth. The next one-day workshop will be held on Saturday, December 11, from 9 am to 4 pm. The cost for the class, including materials, is $90.

Breastfeeding Preparation is a two-week class, taught by a certified lactation consultant that provides preparation for successful breastfeeding. There are monthly, ongoing classes with the next session starting on Monday, December 13, at 7 pm. The fee for the class is $45 and includes materials.

Yoga for Pregnancy is a series of ongoing, weekly yoga classes for pregnant women held in the morning and evening to provide strength, flexibility and mobility during labor. Also offered is a couple’s class for childbirth preparation called Birth Focus. Call the center for the most current classes and prices.

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