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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Economic Development Officials Say Shop Local On Small Business Saturday



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The Newtown Economic Development Commission (EDC) is reminding Newtown community members that Small Business Saturday is November 30, Thanksgiving weekend.

According to EDC assistant Betsy Paynter, when people shop at small, independent, locally owned businesses, 68 percent of what they spend stays right in their community supporting local organizations and services.

“Small businesses are the heartbeat of communities,” she said in a release. “The corner store that creates jobs and the locally owned shop’s presence makes a neighborhood, your neighborhood.”

Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses across the United States. Founded by American Express in 2010, this day is celebrated every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

This year, before residents head to their computers to participate in Cyber Monday, local EDC officials hope Newtowners will buy locally first.

The EDC recently launched its “The Newtown Way: Buy Local First” campaign encouraging the community. A Newtown business directory to assist the Newtown community in finding a restaurant, a particular service, or retail opportunity has been developed to help.

Check out the directory on the EDC website, www.newtown.org.

All businesses are invited to make sure they are included in the directory. There is an easy form to complete online to add a company that is not already in the database.

The EDC wants to remind local business owners to ramp up their marketing and advertising in support of Small Business Saturday and throughout the holiday season. There are Newtown Way: Buy Local First creative elements available for business owners at Newtown.org under the Buy Local tab.

“It’s important the community knows where you are located and what you have to offer,” Ms Paynter said.

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