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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Russian Artist Exploring America Next Guest For SCAN



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The Society of Creative Arts of Newtown (SCAN) will have Zufar Bikbov painting a landscape in oil at its next meeting, on Wednesday, November 30, at 1:30 pm.

This demonstration will take place at Newtown Meeting House, 31 Main Street (at the flagpole). All are welcome, and there is no charge to attend.

Russian-born artist Zufar Bikbov is discovering his America the way artists have for hundreds years: with paint brush in his hand, canvas in front of him, and plenty of favored medium - oil paints - close by.

In September, Southbury Public Library presented more than 20 paintings of the national level award winner, featuring landscapes and plein air work. It was a retrospective of a decade of his residence in Connecticut, and expansion of the area of his painting to the south.

A recent decade spur of interest in plein air painting in the United States brought the artist to national level competitions, where he won a number of awards. Among them, Mr Bikbov treasures most his two Artist Choice awards at Plein Air in Easton, Md. He also received Medal of Honor and Merit Award from Kent Art Association (KAA) and a Solo Show in 2009 hosted by KAA, the first art organization he joined in the United States

Mr Bikbov is an active member of Connecticut Plein Air Painters Society, in an endless way of exploration of the landscape of Connecticut. His works are widely present in private collections in United States, from New England to California, as well as in the UK, Spain, and, of course, in Russia.

Reservations are not needed for SCAN programs, but additional information is available by calling 203-426-6654.


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Award-winning artist Zufar Bikbov, who created this landscape, will be the guest artist for the next Society of Creative Arts of Newtown meeting.
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