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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

‘A Good Time For A Great Cause’



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To the Editor:

As I was seated at the Hospice breakfast last Thursday, I reflected on the humble beginnings of the Newtown Chapter of Regional Hospice (known since 2017 as the Newtown Giving Circle).

In the late 1980s, Marilyn Alexander and B.J. Geerer attended a small informational meeting and, together with a few friends, planned a fundraising breakfast at the Fireside Inn to celebrate the summer solstice ... and the Newtown Chapter of Regional Hospice was born.

Since that first Summer Breakfast, many friends and neighbors have volunteered to assist in this worthwhile mission. Those whose spirits surrounded us in addition to Marilyn and B.J. were Ellyn Gehrett, Pat Hayes and Pat and Ken Stroud.

The 32nd annual Newtown Giving Circle Breakfast celebrated the retirement of the long-standing Newtown Chapter and the transfer from existing committee members Colleen Honan, Ellie Staib, Laurie Wrabel and I along with Breakfast honorees Marg Studley and Marie Sturdevant, to a new generation.

To quote the late Paul Alexander, “A good time for a great cause!” Job well done!

Janet Hovious

Sandy Hook

A letter from Janet Hovious.
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