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Snapshot: Joy Hoffman



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Occupation: I am a creative artist. I have a MFA in medical illustrating, graphic design, and business. My background led me into fashion, advertising, and television. During the past six years, establishing The Joy of Art and The Joy of Yoga Nidra for the Newtown community has been my passion. My intention was to combine my art background with my background in mind, body, and spirit after the Newtown tragedy. The Joy of Yoga Nidra invites the community to experience the ancient Indian practice that will restore the body, clear the mind, and shift the habitual patterns that keep you from being calm, clear, and balanced. This method is taught through visual and guided imagery. Newtown Congregational Church has graciously allowed me to hold classes in their beautiful church. I’ve also enjoyed creating “Harmonize,” a Broadway concert to benefit Sandy Hook Promise, as well as my volunteering for Sticks and Stones Family Fun Day, Sandy Hook Art Walk, Newtown Arts Festival, and Newtown Parks & Recreation events.

Family: I have three grown sons. I am a recent widow living in Fairfield.

What do you like to do in your free time? Reading, lectures, tennis, beach walks, kayaking, biking, traveling, photography, landscape painting, yoga, hip hop dancing, ballet, skiing, and spending time with friends and family. But I drop everything to spend time with my sons!

Do you have a favorite book? The Bible. Everything in life — the decisions we make, the words we speak, the actions we take — can all be found there. The Bible has the power to change your life because there is life in every word.

What is your favorite travel destination? Paris. I love the art, culture, fashion, food, music, architectural design, diversity, and history.

What is the best part about Newtown? The warmth and friendliness of the community and its strength, resiliency, unity, and diversity. While Newtown is not my home, I have always felt at home in Newtown. I volunteered here because I felt Newtown would have demonstrated the same kindness and support for Fairfield if we had a tragedy. Newtown embraced me. Art is a wonderful therapy to express emotions with the central theme on love, kindness, respect, and community. Parents and children greeted me weekly with love and hugs of appreciation, which made me fall in love with the Newtown community. My heart remains overflowing with the kindness Newtown has given me.

What is one of your favorite memories? One Christmas, I invited all the families [I met from Newtown] to my home for a holiday gingerbread party and lunch. We played on the beach and warmed by the fire reading Snowflakes Fall. A family had waited in a long line for the book to be autographed by author Steven Kellogg and illustrator Patricia MacLachlan as a special surprise gift. As we read the book, another family presented me with a letter signed by all the families I had taught that read, “Joy, thank you for bringing your joy, support, and light into our lives at such a dark time. You may never truly know the light you brought to us when we first met you. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” I now have six years of love letters from Newtown that can complete a book.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? Inspirational and motivational teachers who have encouraged my growth, my family, and my friends.

If you could spend the day with one person, who would you choose and why? Nelson Mandela because he campaigned for justice and freedom in his country, South Africa.

What is your favorite quote? “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails,” by Mark Twain.

What is something you cannot live without? My three sons, my parents, family, and friends. Also, hope, trust, faith, health and well-being, optimism, a sense of humor, and laughter.

What is your proudest accomplishment? Raising three accomplished sons and overcoming difficult life challenges.

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