A Leader Among People
A Leader Among People
To the Editor:
I would like to thank Herb Rosenthal for his dedicated service to the town of Newtown. Over many years Herb has served in many leadership roles, including being on the Board of Education and being chair of the Board of Education to name a few. Herb has given up many hours of his personal time and family life to serve the people of Newtown. His statewide and local political experience and impressive knowledge of the town has made Herb an expert on town politics, which has enabled his ability to accomplish tasks and lead Newtown.
I have known Herb since 1956 when I first moved to Sandy Hook from Texas, and he lived around the corner from me. We played high school varsity sports together and as a Police Commissioner we debated police budgets and the like. Most recently Herb was one of the town officials and private citizens that helped me in getting the cross walk installed directly in front of the Newtown Town Hall. Over all these years that Iâve known Herb, I have found him to be of high moral character and is honest as the day is long. I didnât always agree with him politically, but I always knew he truly believed in what he was doing, always had the townâs best interest at heart and always gave 110 percent of his effort to the task at hand no matter how mundane, controversial, or just day-to-day responsibilities.
The fact that Herb will stay on as the Democratic minority selectman shows he cares about Newtown and Newtownâs future. Itâs of my opinion the Town of Newtown is very lucky to have Herb as one of their leaders. Also it is my opinion that Herb is a leader among people and Iâm proud to be his friend. Thank you, Herb, for your service in the past, your current service, and your continued service in the future.
Richard Simon
3589 NE 107th Street Road, Anthony Fl 32617Â Â Â Â November 12, 2007