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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Snapshot: Maria McLennan



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Occupation: I do interior design consultation, and am a dealer at Stratford Antiques Center. I have two primary functions, too, with Nora Murphy Country House e-magazine. I do magazine production, and I am developing the e-commerce portion of the website.

Family: My husband, Doug, and I have been married since January 2013, on New Year’s Day.

Pets: My dog Finn is a glorious little mutt I adopted several years ago. Saving a dog is a wonderful thing. I don’t know who saves who.

How long have you lived in Newtown? Well, Doug has lived here for 19 years. I’ve only lived here for about a year now.

What do you like to do in your free time? I’m an outdoors girl. I like to hike and kayak. Because of my antiques business, I’m always at flea markets and antique sales. That’s fun for me. I am also a gardener, mainly flowers. But I’m going to try my hand at growing vegetables next year.

Do you have a favorite hiking trail? I like the trail around Lake Zoar at the end of Great Quarter Road. The elevation changes are very dramatic. It’s great, and it’s beautiful. Every time I go, I’m so glad. It’s the best part of my day.

Do you have a favorite travel destination? We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and I have to say, it is my new favorite place in the world. We were on Maui for two weeks and it was amazing.

What is the best thing about Newtown? I love the community. You really feel a part of it. I’ve never lived anywhere else where people are as friendly.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? It’s my older sister, Linda. She’s actually Sister Linda, at the Convent of Daughters of St Paul, in Boston. Her perspective on life is so spot on. She was my best friend, growing up. She’s made me appreciate poetry, Shakespeare, and classical music. I try to be more like her. She’s so understanding and kind.

Do you have a personal philosophy? It’s “Do unto others…” I try to treat others the way I’d like to be treated.

Do you have a guilty pleasure? Yes, and it’s Doug’s fault: dark chocolate. I never ate chocolate until he introduced me to dark chocolate. He used to buy me these exquisite little chocolates from Hauser Chocolates in Bethel.

Maria McLennan is this week's Snapshot profile.
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