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Lust For Power



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Lust For Power

To the Editor:

At first, Al Gore took the high road. Let the laws of our land work out this close election. Let us be patient. The State of Florida recounted the close vote, more than once. Governor George W. Bush won on both counts. The absentee ballots have yet to be reported. The final results will declare the winner.

As usual, what Al Gore says is not what he does. As results of working out the law are not going his way, he is attempting to subvert the law to achieve what he cannot do through the democratic process. Bill Clinton has a legacy of pursuing his agenda through executive decree and by politicizing the courts. Al Gore is a good student.

The current exercise of Gore’s lust for power demonstrates his lack of regard not only for the law, but for the already severe rift in our country. By contrast, President-elect Bush said his first priority would be to heal the wound within our nation.

If Gore had an ounce of grace he would concede the election he has already lost.


Carol Recht

11 Tunnel Road, Newtown                                          November 15, 2000

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