Church Plans Bake SaleÂ
Church Plans Bake Sale
On Sunday, November 21, after church services at the Congregational Church on West Street, there will be a Bake Sale in the undercroft to raise money for worthy projects.
The Womenâs Fellowship, led by co-presidents Julie Allan and Peg Forbell, will bake or donate all kind of sweets, pies, cookies or cakes. Especially featured will be the Mile High Pies which have gained a reputation over the years.
At the time of the sale there will also be a display of the three projects that have been made for Church World Service by the three Circles of the church. Health kits, school kits and layettes are made of simple things â pencils, paper, wash cloths, diapers and even diaper pins; but these things can make a world of difference in a community where scarcity makes them luxuries.