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Critical Of Castle Hill Development



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To The Editor:

On November 20, at 7 pm, the Borough Zoning Commission will hold perhaps the last public meeting in their review of the Castle Hill 117-home cluster housing development with access only from Mount Pleasant Rd. I am not opposed to sensible development that conforms to the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) of Newtown and particularly the Borough of Newtown. However this is not such a plan.

The developer is asking for an “Open space” exception to the Borough’s one-acre zoning rule. In public meetings the developer countered criticism by saying the only alternative would be to develop the whole site with the one-acre zoning, which would be much worse. However, the map in the application package that color codes steep slopes and wetlands shows it is predominantly steep and wet. Such land has limitations (wetlands) and much higher costs of development (steep terrain).

In reality, the open space exception was the best way to maximize profit. (Limiting the number of houses, or building smaller homes would also cut into profits. Accoutrements such as club house, pool and pickleball courts add to the luxury ambience of the proposal. This development, so close to Main Street, ignores the requirements of the POCD as to traffic, wildlife, small town character, and has prompted a petition from nearby Borough residents to require a super majority approval. This cluster development is not one designed to be an integral part of the Borough. It would truly be a gated community without the gate. Ironic, as I understand it was purchased originally by Dr Draper, now deceased, to help the Catholic church in an hour of need. There are people that will benefit if this is approved: owner/developer, realtors, construction contractors, lawyers, etc — but not the people of the Borough.

Having just read about the Water and Sewer Authority requirements not having been met on this proposal, and another planned development of 136 apartments on an 18-ft road next to NHS, I am wondering if the real goal is to jettison the POCD completely and just have a POD.

Patricia Hirsch


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