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An Announcement From The Publishers



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The Bee Publishing Company’s newspapers — The Newtown Bee, The Bee Extra and Antiques and The Arts Weekly — along with the annual Guide To Newtown have, after the closing of the company’s printing plant in 2021, been printed by Trumbull Printing in Trumbull. In previous years when The Bee had mechanical or weather difficulties, they stepped up to pull our company through to get our papers to the readers.

Trumbull Printing, an award-winning commercial printer, and a former subsidiary of Hersham Acorn Newspapers, has now come face-to-face with challenges it cannot meet and is closing its doors at the end of this month. The Bee extends its heartfelt thanks to the company along with all of its staff for being a huge part of our publishing ventures over the years.

Following a strenuous search, The Bee has located a printer. The Springfield Republican Commercial Printing in Springfield, Mass., has agreed to accept us as a new client. Springfield will begin printing our newspapers as of the issues dated November 29.

The Springfield Republican is one of the largest commercial printers of newspapers and periodicals in the Northeast, and does more than 180 press runs generating over 170 titles for more than 40 commercial print customers. The company was founded by Samuel Bowles in 1824, who was publisher, editor, typesetter and printer.

Its signature paper, The Republican, remains a privately held daily newspaper.

With The Republican being located in Springfield, a good distance from Newtown, there are details that demand a few changes to The Bee’s work schedule, especially of deadlines. Among those affected immediately will be Obituaries, which must be received before 3 pm Wednesday. Nothing can be accepted after that time. Our full updated deadline schedule will be printed next week and posted online.

If there is one thing in the news and printing industry, it’s that change is constant. The Bee Publishing Company will continue to adapt to those changes to provide its readership with high quality news and arts and antiques content, something the public has long come to expect.

—Helen Smith and Sherri Smith Baggett

Co-Publishers, Bee Publishing Company

Following a strenuous search, The Bee has located a new printer.
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