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To the Editor:

While I may have lost, I was graced by the community with 1,123 votes. Our community is amazing and I want to thank them for helping me become a better advocate. I am extremely happy I was able to talk to as many people as I did.

To those who voted for me I hope I didn't let you down. Please know, I worked as hard as I could; I don't believe I could've done much more. I walked many miles and knocked on many doors. I listened to as many people as I could. Something I think is extremely important: I ran a positive campaign with integrity and without the need to attack others.

The whole Newtown Democratic Slate deserves nothing short of the highest praises and congratulations. These are hardworking, dedicated individuals that will benefit our community.

District 2 couldn't do any better than Dan Honan and Jordana Bloom, congratulations. They worked hard and deserve their amazing victory. Congratulations, Dan Rosenthal and Maureen Crick Owen, they are the public servants Newtown deserves and needs.

A special thank you to Joan Plouffe, Julie Davis Friend, Alex Villamil, Eva Bermúdez, Stacey Zimmerman, and Rebekah Harriman-Stites. Without these people I wouldn't have achieved as much as I did.

A special thank you to my wife, Anouk DePaolo, and son who encouraged my campaigning. My wife tolerating me putting in many hours dedicated to the community. While I was excited to connect with the community, my son was excited to connect with me. I will always cherish the time I was able to spend with him campaigning. Thank you to my family and friends who believed in me. Please know I tried my best and will be back to serve the public.

Thank you,

Clint DePaolo

39 Buttonball Drive, Sandy Hook         November 14, 2017

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