Scholarships Available For NHS Students
Scholarships Available For NHS Students
The following scholarships have arrived in the Career Center at Newtown High School. Applications and/or information for these scholarships, as well as ones previously listed in The Bee, are available there. Please call Mrs McEvoy at 426-1915 if you have any questions.
National Peace Essay Contest â sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace for students in grades nine through 12. First place state winners will receive scholarships of $1,000 and will compete for a national award of $10,000. The essay contest question is âCan Outsiders Help to Bring Peace in Civil Conflicts?â Complete instructions can also be found in the essay contest Guidebook that can be downloaded from the Web site Essays must be postmarked no later than January 24, 2001.
Phi Delta Kappa International Scholarship Grants for Prospective Educators â for high school seniors considering education as a career. The five criteria used to select the scholarship recipients are: academic standing, the essay, letters of recommendation, school activities, and community activities. Forty-four $1,000 grants, one $2,000 grant, one $4,000 and one $5,000 grant will be awarded. The deadline for receipt of completed applications is January 31, 2001.
2001 Holocaust Remembrance Project â a national writing contest for freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior students. First place winner will receive an all-expense paid trip to Israel and $500; second place winners will receive $300; and third place winners $100. Entries must be postmarked by May 14, 2001. Visit their Web site for more information:Â
Air Force ROTC college scholarship applications â seniors must have their applications postmarked by December 1, 2000. Air Force ROTC is offered at over 900 colleges and universities across the nation. Air Force ROTC offers up to four year, full tuition scholarships. In addition to the tuition assistance, students receive a tax-free stipend each month while they are on scholarship. Please note, a student can receive a full tuition scholarship, complete his or her first year of college, then decide not to continue with the AFROTC program. If they decline the scholarship prior to the start of their sophomore year, they incur no obligation to the Air Force. That means they do not have to pay back the scholarship money nor do they owe any service to the Air Force. Call Major Keith Poulin at 413/545-5438 for more information or e-mail at Also the Air Force ROTC home page is
The National Summit of Young Technology Leaders â This summit, held in Austin, Texas, from July 1 to 10, is for exceptional sophomores and juniors who exhibit academic excellence, leadership skills, and an interest in the field of computers, the Internet, or high technology. Interested students should have a grade point average of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale or above and a strong interest in technology. Tuition is $1,965, as well as the cost of transportation to Texas. If you would like more information on this program, see Mrs McEvoy in the Career Center right away as they are asking for nominations by November 22, 2000.
State of Connecticut Governorâs Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities â This is the third annual Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities scheduled for July 30 through August 2, 2001, at the University of Connecticut, Storrs campus. They are looking for applications from current sophomores and juniors with a disability who demonstrate leadership skills in their communities and schools. It is the goal of the Youth Leadership Forum to select students from all regions of Connecticut who represent a wide range of disabilities and ethnic backgrounds. There is no cost for students to attend this program. Applications are due by January 19, 2001.