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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Veterans Day Celebrated In The Elementary Schools



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Each of Newtown’s four elementary schools held Veterans Day ceremonies or events on Tuesday, November 11.

Before a flag ceremony was conducted at Head O’ Meadow Elementary School, Principal Barbara Gasparine announced her gratitude over the school’s loudspeaker for all who joined the school for their celebration of Veterans Day.

All of the students at Head O’ Meadow made their way outside for the start of the event, with classrooms of students huddled together and veterans and their friends and family standing closer to the flag in front of the school.

The event at Head O’ Meadow was sponsored by the school’s PTA, and PTA Co-Chair Kristen Mattera’s father, Bob Anderson, a former first lieutenant with the US Army Signal Corps, was asked to raise the flag for the event. His grandchildren, Maggie and Christopher Mattera, assisted him. School custodian Wayne Sherwood also assisted in the flag raising.

Following the flag ceremony, Newtown High School senior Aimee Alexander, a NHS Marching Band member, played “Taps” on her bugle, and students sang a number of songs under the guidance of music teacher Cynthia Holberg. Veterans were then invited inside the school’s cafetorium for a breakfast, during which Ms Gasparine and Ms Mattera offered remarks.

Each visiting veteran at Head O’ Meadow received a star cut from a retired US flag as token of appreciation from the Major Stuart Adam Wolfer Institute, in honor of its namesake who died in Iraq in 2008, according to Ms Mattera. Each veteran also signed a baseball with the student they were visiting, through Billy’s Baseballs, a nonprofit started up last year by a 13-year-old young man from New Jersey, according to Ms Mattera. The baseballs will be sent to troops serving oversees.

Sandy Hook Elementary School’s PTA also provided a Veterans Day breakfast at its school. The morning event also began with a flag raising and “Taps” being played.

Roughly 200 people attended Sandy Hook School’s Veterans Day breakfast.

The Sandy Hook School third grade chorus offered entertainment during the breakfast by singing patriotic songs. The veterans were also invited to visit classrooms at the school following the breakfast to help begin classroom activities for the day.

At Middle Gate Elementary School fourth grade teacher Linda Baron, who organized the day’s assembly and celebration of Veterans Day, welcomed all in attendance and thanked the veterans for attending and for their service.

“Veterans, we salute you on this very important day,” said Ms Baron.

Ms Baron shared a reminder about what Veterans Day marks and what veterans have accomplished over the years.

While, as Ms Baron said, today’s soldiers may “prevail against new enemies,” she also said they continue the legacy of all soldiers that came before them.

Jeff Jorgenson, who served with the US Air Force, was the guest speaker for the event, and his children helped introduce him to the school community. When he sees fellow veterans, he said he makes sure to thank them. When he sees current members of the military he also makes sure to thank them on behalf of his family and his community, he said.

A video was also shown during the assembly that highlighted Middle Gate students sharing what they feel about veterans. Some students thanked relatives specifically for serving, some students shared what they think a veteran is, and some students shared what they can do because of veterans.

Because of veterans, one student said on the video, “I can go outside without worrying about danger.” Another student on the video said, “Veterans keep our country safe.”

A group of fourth grade Middle Gate students also shared a special song prepared that expressed how proud they are of veterans.

The entire assembled student body also sang a number of patriotic songs for their visitors on Middle Gate.

Middle Gate Principal Chris Geissler reminded the assembly that there are 20 million veterans in the United States and that, while Veterans Day is a special day, he believes veterans should be honored every day.

He thanked the veterans for their service and thanked those present still serving in the armed forces.

At Hawley Elementary School a number of students volunteered their musical talents to play patriotic songs during an afternoon assembly.

“Because of your service and sacrifice, we are able to be here today,” said Hawley music teacher Brian Kowalsky, who helped lead the assembly with Hawley lead teacher Keri Snowden.

Hawley Principal Christopher Moretti thanked the veterans in attendance and thanked each volunteer that helped make the assembly possible. He also read a poem about Veterans Day before sharing a brief history of the day.

Hawley nurse and veteran Peggy Annett also spoke during the assembly sharing the qualities that she thinks veterans have: courage, dedication, responsibility, and the ability to sacrifice and be a team player.

“Our veterans allow us to enjoy all that we enjoy in life,” said Ms Annett.

Some Hawley students also read from essays they completed about veterans or about Veterans Day.

Before the assembly a reception, courtesy of the school’s PTA, was served the school’s library.

Throughout the school district students could seen wearing red, white, and blue in celebration of Veterans Day.

Middle Gate Elementary School fourth grade students sang during a Veterans Day assembly, with fourth grade teacher Linda Baron behind them offering encouragement.
Hawley Elementary School students waved to visiting veterans and family members during on assembly on November 11.
Bob Anderson, a former first lieutenant with the US Army Signal Corps, second from left, raised a flag during a ceremony at Head O’ Meadow Elementary School on November 11. With him from left are his granddaughter Maggie Mattera, school custodian Wayne Sherwood, physical education teacher Steve “Coach” Dreger, and his grandson Christopher Mattera.
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