Support Group Meeting Change
Support Group Meeting Change
The new support group for parents of children with special needs offered at Newtown Youth Services has a different meeting time.
This new support group is a place for parents to come twice a month for support and a place to share and gain information about parenting.
The group will now meet on Monday, November 27, from 9 to 10:30 am at the Newtown Youth Services Offices on 41A Main Street. Interns Tracy Roberts and Addie Sandler facilitate the new group.
Every other week from November through June, parents who have children with special needs may come and bond with others in similar situations and gain information from a variety of topics. Topics include emotional security (what children really need), loving limits (setting limits), keeping safe (safety concerns), extended family (how to be interactive), recognizing your own support system (nurturing yourself), discipline styles (what works, what doesnât), anger management, and siblings.
The following dates are when the group will be meeting: November 27, December 4 and 18, January 8 and 22, 2001, February 5 and 26, March 5 and 19, April 2, 23, 30, May 14, and June 4. Two grants have helped make this support group possible at Newtown Youth Services: the Childrenâs Trust Fund and Swindellâs Foundation.
For more information about the new support group or to register, call Newtown Youth Services at 270-4335.