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Newtown, CT, USA

NMS Student Council Collecting For Fall Food Drive



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Members of the Newtown Middle School Student Council are collecting donations for the council’s yearly food drive to support Women Involved in Newtown’s (WIN) Thanksgiving Baskets campaign.

Along with donating to the campaign in general, the NMS Student Council also plans to have enough donations to support one adopted family through the program.

This year’s food drive began on October 24 and is running through November 21. Residents are also welcome to drop off donations at the Queen Street school’s main office. The NMS Student Council is collecting nonperishable food items and hygiene products for the cause.

Student Council advisor Nadia Papalia suggested parents attending conferences can drop off donations then, or send them to school with their children.

Members of the Newtown Middle School Student Council are hoping that fellow students, NMS faculty, parents and even the public will help them with donations for their annual food drive to support Women Involved in Newtown.
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