Public Golf Course In Newtown?
To the Editor:
I have been a resident of Sandy Hook for over 30 years. I have seen money spent on many projects in town, including soccer fields, ball fields, horse trails, and walking trails to name a few. I have yet to see a public golf course built in this town. Fairfield Hills would be a nice place for one and they generate revenue. This is the second largest town in area in the state. But no public golf course. That’s disappointing. I’m sure I am not the first person to propose this. I would rather spend my money here in town and not in Danbury, Waterbury, Watertown, etc. I know of probably 200-300 golfers who either live in Newtown or would come to Newtown to play. As it is, I don’t do much business in Newtown other than a few restaurants and grocery stores.
Would love to see it happen.
George Lowell
77 Far View Drive, Sandy Hook November 9, 2020
Not a horrible idea, but I am unconvinced that public golf courses break even. Using up such a large land mass would be a hit to potential property tax revenues…and top line revenue is just as important as costs. I’d rather see a mid-sized hospital project funded. About a quarter of all jobs are in healthcare right now, it’s recession-proof, not cyclical, backed up (in part) by federal policy, and an essential industry that would bring good jobs to Newtown. It shouldn’t be a problem to capture our healthcare market share back from Danbury and Waterbury. It’s a can’t miss.
If I am correct, (and please do correct me), at the time FFH was purchased a golf course was suggested. The planner who suggested it said the first year it would lose money begin to break even the second and third. Break even the fourth year and run a profit the 5th year. That said according to Sports Illustrated a lot of golf courses are closing around the country. The demographic is aging and younger people are not taking up the sport like they used to. Young parents are not golfing, they are taking their kids to youth sports and doing other things.
A Horse Park was also proposed. It was proposed that this would help local businesses (gas stations, restaurants, stores). I am curious if this market has remained stable ? A municipal golf course would not add to the tax base (except in State Sales Tax) but it would not detract from it either. Housing may not be the answer, it is a net drain on tax revenue.