After Election Day<font size="3"> By Paul Ferencz</font>
Election Day has come and gone,
It appears we have a winner.
But there's one more thing we need to do
Maybe tonight over dinner.
As you sit there and enjoy your meal
Think of what makes this country great.
It's time to get past what could have been
And support the winning candidate.
For divided we fall and together we rise,
That's just a simple fact.
So you can either pout and complain
Or for the good of our country act.
I'm not saying to just lie down
And not to have your say;
I'm saying that when you speak your mind
Do it in a democratic way.
Our system has checks and balances
To see if our laws make sense,
The Senate and Congress debate these things
So call them and put in your two cents.
For this country to survive these difficult times
We all must work as one.
So put aside what could have been
For what could have been, is done.
Paul Ferencz
28 Parlor Rock Road, TrumbullÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ November 9, 2016