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Sensible Ideas



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Sensible Ideas

To the Editor:

Sending a sincere thank you to First Selectman Pat Llodra, who, on top of incredible demands during the hurricane aftermath, offered wisdom and support in the rescheduling of trick-or-treating on Main Street.

Her idea of gathering the thoughts of Main Street residents, her consultations with the borough warden, and her insight to wait until Sunday for any safety issues to be resolved, led to a warm and wonderful Halloween celebration on Main Street this past weekend.

It clearly meant so much to so many families. The bigger than ever turnout was filled with colorful and creative costumes, happy conversations, big thank-yous, and countless smiles. The great spirit of our town was all around for everyone to share in and was something we all needed!

So, thank you, Pat Llodra, for the phone conversations, sensible ideas, and support for Newtown’s Main Street tradition.


Jane Luongo

9 Main Street, Newtown                                           November 7, 2012

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