GOP SeeksTo Fill Vacancies
GOP Seeks
To Fill Vacancies
The Candidates Committee of the Newtown Republican Committee is seeking to fill several positions on local boards and commissions.
The vacancies include: Zoning Board of Appeals alternate, one vacancy, an elected position, term expires 12/01/01; constable, one vacancy, appointed, term expires 1/06/02; Pension Committee, one vacancy, appointed, term expires 1/06/02; Public Building and Site Commission alternate, one vacancy, term expires 1/06/01; Local Housing Partnership Committee, several vacancies, appointed, three-year term.
Any interested registered Republican who is a resident of Newtown and is interested in finding out more about these positions should contact Carol Mattegat, Candidates Committee chairperson, at 426-3228; Marie Sturdevant, chairman of the Newtown Republican Town Committee, at 426-5957, or any member of the Republican Town Committee.