Middle Gate Holds Community Circle On Diversity
Middle Gate Elementary School’s Community Circle assembly events held on Thursday, October 22, and Friday, October 23, focused on diversity.
Middle Gate special education teacher Lola Aldrich, first grade teacher Shannon Pierce, and third grade teacher Claire DeSisto led the assembly on Thursday.
Mr DeSisto welcomed the assembled students and explained that the event would focus on diversity.
A good message for students to learn, Ms Pierce said, is “that we can make new friends even when people are different.”
After speaking with students, Ms Pierce said she has heard that it can be hard to make new friends. To share tips with the assembled students on how to make new friends, join in group discussions, and begin playing with new friends Ms Aldrich came on the stage in the school’s gymnasium to introduce a few videos, filmed with students for actors.
Ms Aldrich explained to the students what each student in the videos did well and what they could have done differently to interact with others in the different situations.
“I’m hoping you got a little inspired today,” said Ms DeSisto, before announcing that students would be practicing their new friendship building skills during a lunch period the next week.