Grateful For Support
Grateful For Support
To the Editor:
I would like to thank everyone who voted in the election and especially all who voted for me. Our system works because you have taken the time to exercise your democratic right. I thank you for your confidence in me to contribute to a better Newtown. I am especially happy to be able to serve the people of Newtown for two more years as a member of the Board of Selectmen.
I thank the many people who so vigorously help with the campaign, particularly Mike Kelly, our campaign manager, my wife, my neighbors and friends, the many volunteer workers who helped with the mailers, ads, and phone calls, the many folks who provided financial support, who wrote letters on behalf of Herb and Joe, people who gave me encouragement as we walked the streets of Newtown, and all the candidates on our ticket.
I congratulate the winners and thank all the people who ran in the election.
I feel Newtown residents and business people were the real winners yesterday. Herb Rosenthal is a fine first selectman. The people of Newtown have this morning a person who will intelligently work on their behalf and who has a genuine caring for out town. You have returned an experienced leader to guide our town in what we all know are changing, challenging, and economically more difficult times. He is recognized for his leadership both in Newtown and in the state.
Newtown has tough choices, needs to get value for its tax dollar, and needs creative ideas if we are to provide quality schools and a quality of life for all Newtowners.
Thank you again,
Joe Bojnowski
6 North Branch Road, Newtown                         November 5, 2003