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IAIS Will Host Shamanic Journey Workshop



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IAIS Will Host Shamanic Journey Workshop

WASHINTON — “Path of the Heart: A Shamanic Journey Workshop,” an experiential weekend workshop on shamanic journeying, will be offered on Saturday and Sunday, November 18 and 19, at The Institute for American Indian Studies in Washington. Workshop participants will be introduced to the ancient spiritual practice of shamanism and will learn how to safely access the shamanic state of consciousness through the visionary technique of the journey.

The shamanic journey is an ancient spiritual technique which allows one to access other dimensions of reality at will, in order to retrieve the knowledge, power, and healing that will be helpful to have in order to restore harmony, balance, and well-being to body, mind, and spirit.

Drumming is typically used during journeying to help shift into the shamanic state of consciousness, where one experiences a parallel reality outside of linear time and space, often referred to a “non-ordinary reality.” Journeying enables one to encounter deep guidance, insight, and healing that is normally unavailable in ordinary waking states.

Two local women will facilitate the workshop. Meg Bowles is a shamanic practitioner and Jungian psychotherapist with a private practice in New Fairfield, and Miss Stevens is a nationally known fiber artist and native of Washington. Both women are graduates of the advanced training program in core shamanism and shamanic healing from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and collectively embody over 30 years of study in and experience with shamanism.

Enrollment is limited. Fees are applicable for the intensive two-day workshop. For additional information, contact Mary Fletcher at the Institute for American Indian Studies at 860/868-0518, ext 3.

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