An Exhilarating Campaign
An Exhilarating Campaign
To the Editor:
I want to express my appreciation to everyone who voted for me and supported me on my campaign for Board of Education. The response was deeply gratifying and humbling.
I especially want to thank the members of IPN. Without their help I would not have been able to mount a campaign. Not only did they provide a place for me on the ballot, but their energy, encouragement, and critical thinking made it all possible.
Campaigning for me was a new and initially uncomfortable experience. Yet, despite my initial trepidation, I came away from every campaigning session, such as handing out literature at the dump or the Pizza & Politics event, feeling exhilarated. Each time I had at least one wonderful conversation: either it was someone who had a significant story to tell about their experience with the school system, or someone who heard about me from somewhere else and was a supporter, or even someone who had a differing point of view and appreciated me listening to it. It helped me gain a better appreciation for the strength of our community and how deeply people care about our schools.
Our school system is likely to face some significant challenges in the coming year. The economic situation will likely put significant stress on the budget. It will take every ounce of good will that we can muster to work together as a community to find the best solutions. I pledge to do my part.
Thank you,
William Hart
Member, Board of Education
24 Fawnwood Road, Sandy Hook                  November 4, 2009