Chamber Breakfast Talk On Budgeting, Maintaining Good Credit
In an effort to help foster business opportunities in the Greater Newtown area, the Newtown Chamber of Commerce continues to host free monthly networking events open to all local business professionals.
The next event will be at Sal e Pepe Contemporary Italian Bistro, 97 South Main Street, on Wednesday, November 12, from 8 to 9 am. The guest speaker is George Herring, vice president of Savings Bank of Danbury.
Mr Herring’s presentation will include a discussion that highlights how local businesses, organizations, entrepreneurs, and residents of Newtown can better their budgeting and savings, while maintaining good credit.
The presentation promotes a free banking program offered by the Savings Bank of Danbury and The Financial Resource Center, through The United Way.
This breakfast networking session is sponsored by the Newtown Chamber of Commerce and is part of a series held on the second Wednesday of each month. Anyone interested in guest speaking can call 203-426-9193.
There is no charge to attend this event and reservations are not necessary; light refreshments will be served.