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Waldorf School Schedules 20th Annual Fall Fair



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Waldorf School Schedules 20th Annual Fall Fair

Housatonic Valley Waldorf School, at 1 Jacklin Road, will hold its 20th Annual Fall Fair on Saturday, November 20, from 10 until 3 pm.

The day will include activities for children, homemade food, and live music. Early holiday shopping will be available for adults. A puppet show will be shown at 11 am, a “Birds of Prey Show” will start at 1 pm, and another puppet show will be shown at 2:15 pm during the event.

More events during the day will include jump rope making, face painting, and an obstacle course.

The night before, the school is also hosting an adult-only evening preview. The Friday, November 19, event will include wine, cheese, and holiday shopping.

Free parking and admission will be available for both events. Call 203-364-1113 for additional information.

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