Everyone Benefited (Except The Crows)
Everyone Benefited
(Except The Crows)
To the Editor:
On behalf of the entire Newtown Middle School, we sincerely thank our wonderful parent volunteers, Carol Wakeman and Lorine Watkins, for their many hours of work helping to make our scarecrow sculpture contest possible. We couldnât have done it without them.
More than $1,000 was raised for charity this year! We thank all of you who voted with your dollars. We especially commend our eighth grade students and their parents for their commitment to excellence. On our behalf, as the art teachers at NMS, we consider this an exemplary exhibit and are very proud of our students who took the challenge this year.
Claudia Mitchell, Arlene Spoonfeather, and Jean Walter
11 Queen Street, Newtown                                     November 3, 2010