Thank You, Newtown Voters!
To the Editor:
A word of thanks to all Newtown voters for Tuesday’s strong municipal election turnout and for placing your trust, our town’s future, and our children’s educations in the hands of so many fresh, new, energized, and caring public servants, as we prepare to leap into 2022!
Under the steady leadership of our incumbent First Selectman Dan Rosenthal and other standing incumbent board and commission members, I believe we can expect good things and an approach that prioritizes local focus, family values, and a great elementary public-school education. Along with good roads and reasonable measures of affordability, our community seems poised to move forward, inclusively.
As Newtown’s primary State Representative, I look forward to collaborating with our new team professionally and, as a resident of the town we love, engaging them personally.
Likewise, I hope you will get to know our town’s new, volunteer, elected officials and feel comfortable enough to add your voice to the process. Your vote was a statement and, after the dust settles, your continued engagement will ultimately help steer our town to be the best it can be.
Kindness wins. We all play a part.
Be well. Stay safe. Spread only hope.
State Representative Mitch Bolinsky